Try This 5-Minute Mindfulness Exercise to Feel Calm

Try This 5-Minute Mindfulness Exercise to Feel Calm

Tuning into the Senses – A Mindfulness Meditation Exercise

Take some time to read over the following excerpt, gradually making your way through each section at your own pace.


Begin by taking a comfortable seat or finding a position that feels right for you in your body.

Start to sense your body within the room. You might become aware of the space in front of you. Behind you. And even the space above you. 

Just notice yourself, safe, inside the room.

For the next few moments, you might choose to gently let your attention fall onto the sounds around you. Tuning in to what draws your focus outside the room. And then beginning to notice what you can hear inside the room. 

Notice what comes up for you, as you let your mind settle on different sounds. Perhaps you notice that a particular sound brings up an emotion for you, like joy or frustration. Whatever you notice is okay. 

Begin to notice where your body makes contact with the chair or the floor beneath you, feeling the weight of your body supported.

You might bring your awareness to your feet, noticing how it feels to have them resting on the floor.

Notice your hands resting in your lap or by your side. 

Do you notice any tension in the body? If so, you might like to keep your awareness placed on this part of the body, breathing into any points of tension, and allowing them to soften even just a fraction.

Gradually move your attention to your breath, noticing the quality of your inhalations and exhalations. How does your breath feel in this moment?

It might feel loose, full, and deep. Does it feel a little forced or shallow?

Try not to force the breath here. Just notice. 

On your next breath, you might even like to take a deep breath in through the nose and gently sign it out through the mouth, letting the body soften a fraction more.

During this time, you might notice your mind thinking. You might like to welcome these thoughts and invite them in so you can get curious. Are these thoughts related? Maybe these thoughts are about past events or the future? 

As you near the end of this meditation exercise, take a moment to check in with how you currently feel.

How do you feel in your body?

Heavy? Agitated? Relaxed? Tired? 

How does your mind feel?

Perhaps a little calmer?

Whatever you notice is okay.

To finish, mindfully roll your shoulders back a few times and wriggle your fingers and toes to get some movement back into your body.

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