My Self-Care Routine

My Self-Care Routine

My regular self-care practices help to keep me feeling energised, inspired, and happy. When I take care of myself, I can focus better and produce high quality work that helps others. I have enough energy in my day to get my most important things done and still be fully present in my relationships. When I prioritise my needs, I feel joyful, calm, and relaxed.

Here’s a look at some of my go-to acts of self-care that I build into my schedule each week:

  • Daily vitamins
  • Eat a healthy diet made up of mainly whole foods
  • Listen to my favourite music
  • Legs up the wall for 10-minutes a day
  • Stretch
  • Play with my dog Winston
  • Weekly date night with Adam
  • Gardening
  • Treat myself to a smoothie / chai latte
  • Walks in nature
  • Skincare routine
  • Yoga / meditation


What are some of your go-to ways you like to practice self care? 


With Love,


Want more self-care tips? Get your copy of 'Work-Life Balance Survival Guide' now!



(Also available through all leading book retailers)


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