PRODUCTIVITY: 5 Ways to enhance your morning routine

Your morning routine is what sets you up for a productive and successful day. Even though everyone's morning routines may look a little different, it's important to prioritise a few ways to help us ease into the day and be at our best, both mentally and physically.
Here are five ways to enhance your morning routine:
1. Make your bed - making your bed first thing in the morning gives you a sense of accomplishment and allows you to begin the day with successfully completely a task.
2. Write morning pages - clear your head of bothersome thoughts or worries. Wake yourself up positively with nice music, your favourite tea and sit by a window to take in the morning. If you are too rushed to do this in the morning, do your best to wake up 15 minutes earlier.
3. Prioritize a healthy breakfast and have some food before you begin working to keep your body nourished and fuel your mind.
4. Meditate! Meditate! Meditate! (okay, perhaps adding exclamation points is not very zen of me but meditation is key). It will improve focus, clarity, reduce stress, promote a positive mind set, help with better decision making and it will improve your overall mental health.
5. Set your intention for the day. This doesn’t necessarily need to be a goal or target; it could just be something you are trying to be more mindful of. For example, to be kinder to yourself, to be mindful throughout the day, to be more optimistic or to keep calm in stressful situations.
These five tips are super simple, yet highly effective and have helped me take back control of my mornings. Try to implement them into your daily routine and see what changes come your way!
x Jess