GOAL SETTING: 10 Habits for Success!

GOAL SETTING: 10 Habits for Success!

My definition of success has changed significantly over the last few years. While for some people, success might mean earning a lot of money, to me success is about living a life you love, a life that is grounded in your core values or what’s important to you, and a life that supports you and your needs.

I wanted to build on last week’s video and share 10 things successful people do and 10 things that I aspire to do in my every day life.

Successful people create and pursue focused goals. Set yourself SMART goals, have a clear intention for why you want to achieve your goals and be are aware of any obstacles you need to consider. This is something I do in my business and when thinking of taking on new projects or work opportunities – I ask, ‘will this get me closer to my goals and does it align with my intentions?’

Successful people also take decisive and immediate action. They don’t put things off or procrastinate. They go after what they want and they do what needs to be done.

They also focus on being productive, not on being busy. You can be busy and achieve nothing. If what you do isn’t advancing you towards your goals, then you’re simply busy being busy.

Successful people make logical and informed decisions. They respond, not react. One way to do this is to use Socratic Thinking, which is grounded in identifying logic vs. emotion. What is real vs what is a made up fear. When you react, it’s usually out of fear. Instead, they think things through, consult others for feedback and then take action.

They don’t aim for perfection, rather they aim for progress. It’s better to start, to launch, to try, than to wait until it’s perfect or the timing is perfect. There’s no such thing as the perfect and if you wait, either it won’t get done or someone else will do it.

They also keep things simple. This means simplifying your work routine, setting reminders and automating work where possible, creating a simple effective morning routine, even your environment such as a simple clean space.

Another thing these people have in common is that they push themselves to go outside their comfort zone. They know that fear is where the growth is and that it’s better to push yourself past your comfort zone because that’s where so many amazing opportunities lye and where you free yourself of fears that don’t serve you anymore.

They also focus on small and consistent improvements and fine tuning, both in their work and on themselves. They are always learning, reading, listening to podcasts and seminars and studying because self development is a lifelong process.

Successful people maintain a growth mindset, not fixed mindset. If they don’t know how to do something or aren’t very skilled, they know it just takes time and effort and that their skills are not fixed at birth, just like how a child learning to walk and falls over will keep of persevering until they get it.

Lastly, they maintain balance in their life and prioritize not only their career, but their personal needs, health and wellbeing, hobbies and creativity, because a well rounded person functions better. 

Comment below what success means to you and whether your definition of success has perhaps changed over time. 


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