3 Ways to Optimise Your Night Routine

3 Ways to Optimise Your Night Routine

Do you have trouble sleeping? If you aren’t getting a deep and restorative sleep each night, it could very likely have something to do with your night routine. This week, I thought I’d share my top 3 tips to help you fall asleep more easily. These are habits that you can implement to help you achieve quality sleep each night, so that you can feel refreshed the following morning.

Try an evening wind-down. 

If you notice that you’re spending too much time on your phone in the evenings, this is a great way to set some healthy boundaries, as well as help your mind relax. Currently, I enjoy the Wind Down guided meditation on the Balance app. It’s a five-minute exercise where you place your finger on the screen and follow the moving circle, pairing each inhale as it moves to one side, and each exhale as it moves to the other. At the end of the meditation, you’re encouraged to put your phone away for the rest of the evening, to signal to your mind that it’s time to get ready for bed. You might like to try it or create your own wind-down ritual, such as taking an evening walk, making a tea, or journaling, and commit to putting away your phone afterwards.

Sleep in a dark room.

I find it really hard to fall asleep unless my bedroom is pitch black. It can be tricky if you also share a bed with your partner, who happens to like staying up a little later than you. The consensus is that the darker the room, the better. This is also why they make window covers for kids’ rooms, to help block out the light and stop children and babies from waking up mid nap. The test is to hold up your hand in front of your face and if you can still see it with the lights out, the room isn’t dark enough yet. You can also sleep with an eye mask if you can’t get your room dark enough.

Try a natural sleep supplement. 

There are numerous natural sleep supplements on the market, containing different minerals and herbs, such as Magnesium, Valerian, Passionflower, and Ashwagandha. I’ve tried several of these over the years and found some worked better than others for myself. Magnesium seems to be the most widely used to promote relaxation and a good night’s sleep. I take a magnesium supplement once daily and have for the past 4 years, as it’s also vital for supporting female hormonal health. If you’re keen to incorporate a supplement to help you sleep, make sure to consult your healthcare practitioner first, especially if you have any pre-existing health conditions. It’s important to make sure it’s right for you and that you take the correct dosage.


With Love,


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