My Unplanned Journey: From Psychology to "Study with Jess"

My Unplanned Journey: From Psychology to "Study with Jess"
Can you believe it's been a decade since I was knee-deep in psychology studies, dreaming of making a difference? Back then, I had it all planned out - a Ph.D. with a full scholarship, a career in psychology, and a tidy little ten-year plan. But you know what they say about plans, right? "When you make plans, G-d laughs." Well, let's just say, G-d got a good chuckle out of mine!

I remember the moment like it was yesterday. It was late, and I was sitting in my parents' kitchen, feeling this wave of inspiration wash over me. It was like a lightbulb lit up and I knew that I needed to start a YouTube channel. 

I wanted to be more than just another face on the internet. I wanted to be a positive role model, especially for students facing the stress of academics and life. I wanted to share tips on studying smarter, managing stress, and protecting mental health. Basically, I wanted to be the support I wish I had during those crazy teenage and young adult years.

Unlike the other YouTube channels I was watching at the time, I wanted to create a space that was for students all year round, not just during back-to-school season. So, I decided to dive in headfirst and make it happen.

I'll never forget filming my first YouTube video. Talk about nerve-wracking! I had zero experience in front of the camera, so I called in my best friend, Penny, for backup. Picture this: me behind an IKEA desk, Penny behind the camera, grinning like a Cheshire cat and giving me the thumbs-up. It was a moment, let me tell you!

Those early days were a whirlwind of learning. I went from filming with a videographer to mastering the art of editing and everything in between. And you know what I realized? If I didn't know how to do something, it just meant I hadn't learned it yet. That mindset has carried me through some of the toughest moments on this journey.

But here's the thing—none of this was part of my ten-year plan. Turns out, life had other ideas, and thank goodness for that! I've learned the hard way that rigidity only stifles growth. Instead, I've learned to roll with the punches and trust that everything happens for a reason.

As I look back on this wild ride from psychology student to online entrepreneur, I'm filled with gratitude for every twist and turn. Connecting with millions of viewers from around the globe has been nothing short of magical.

So, to anyone out there with a dream in their heart, I say this: Embrace the unknown, trust in the process, and never underestimate your own potential. The road ahead may be bumpy, but with a little courage and a whole lot of passion, anything is possible.

Here's to the dreamers, the doers, and the unstoppable forces of nature. May your journey be filled with laughter, growth, and endless possibilities.

With love and excitement for what lies ahead,
Jess x

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